Hi! I’m Yifei Huang (黄逸飞). I received my PhD and M.S. from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo, supervised by Prof. Yoichi Sato, under the support of the Global Creative Leader program of the University of Tokyo. I received my B.S. in Automation in IEEE honor class of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I am currently a Project Assistant Professor (特任助教) in Sato Laboratory, the University of Tokyo. I am fortunate to have worked with esteemed researchers like Prof. Yoichi Sato, Prof. Yusuke Sugano, Prof. Yu Qiao, Prof. Kris Kitani, Prof. Kai Kunze, and Prof. Weidi Xie. I focus on exciting topics in video understanding, egocentric vision, and their applications.

🗞️ Academic Services

  • Area Chair: ICCV 2023, CVPR 2024.

💻 Researches

I have published 20+ papers at the top international AI conferences with 1000+ Google Scholar citations. My primary research interests lie in:

  • First-person (egocentric) videos, egocentric gaze, and gaze-guided interaction systems.

  • Egocentric video understanding, action recognition/segmentation/anticipation, vision-language understanding.

  • Video understanding from limited labels, few-shot learning, domain adaptation.

Please feel free to contact me by email for any suggestions, questions, or potential collaborations.

📝 Publications

(* denotes corresponding author)

📒 Topic: First-person (egocentric) Videos, Egocentric Gaze, and Gaze-guided Interaction Systems

  1. Predicting gaze in egocentric videos by learning task-dependent attention transition | [Project] | [Code & Data] | [BibTex]
    Y. Huang, M. Cai, Z. Li, and Y. Sato. (oral presentation, acceptance rate: 2%)
    ECCV 2018

  2. Mutual Context Network for Jointly Estimating Egocentric Gaze and Actions | [Project & Code] | [BibTex]
    Y. Huang, M. Cai, Z. Li, F. Lu, and Y. Sato.
    IEEE TIP 2020

  3. An Ego-Vision System for Discovering Human Joint Attention | [Project & Code] | [BibTex]
    Y. Huang, M. Cai, and Y. Sato.
    IEEE THMS 2020

  4. Leveraging Human Selective Attention for Medical Image Analysis with Limited Training Data | [BibTex]
    Y. Huang, X. Li, L. Yang, L. Gu, Y. Zhu, H. Seo, Q. Meng, T. Harada, and Y. Sato.
    BMVC 2021

  5. Goal-Oriented Gaze Estimation for Zero-Shot Learning | [BibTex]
    Y.Liu, L.Zhou, X.Bai, Y. Huang, L. Gu, J. Zhou and T. Harada. CVPR 2021

  6. GazeSync: Eye Movement Transfer Using an Optical Eye Tracker and Monochrome Liquid Crystal Displays | [BibTex]
    Q. Zhang, Y. Huang, G. Chernyshov, J. Li, YS. Pai, and K. Kunze.
    IUI 2022

  7. Seeing our Blind Spots: Smart Glasses-based Simulation to Increase Design Students’ Awareness of Visual Impairment | [BibTex]
    Q. Zhang, G. Barbareschi, Y. Huang, J. Li, YS. Pai, J. Ward and K. Kunze.
    UIST 2022

📒 Topic: General Video Understanding, Video Understanding with Limited Labels.

  1. Matching Compound Prototypes for Few-Shot Action Recognition | [Code] | [BibTex]
    Y. Huang, L. Yang, G. Chen, H. Zhang, F. Lu, and Y. Sato.
    IJCV 2024

  2. Weakly Supervised Temporal Sentence Grounding With Uncertainty-Guided Self-Training | [Code] | [BibTex]
    Y. Huang, L. Yang, and Y. Sato.
    CVPR 2023

  3. Compound Prototype Matching for Few-Shot Action Recognition | [Code] | [BibTex]
    Y. Huang, L. Yang, and Y. Sato.
    ECCV 2022

  4. Improving Action Segmentation via Graph-based Temporal Reasoning | [Code] | [BibTex]
    Y. Huang, Y. Sugano and Y. Sato.
    CVPR 2020

  5. Interact before Align: Leveraging Cross-Modal Knowledge for Domain Adaptive Action Recognition | [BibTex]
    L. Yang, Y. Huang*, Y. Sugano and Y. Sato.
    CVPR 2022

  6. Retrieval-augmented Egocentric Video Captioning | [BibTex] | [Project&Code]
    J. Xu, Y. Huang, J. Hou, G. Chen, Y. Zhang, R. Feng, and W. Xie.
    CVPR 2024

📒 Topic: Egocentric Video Benchmarks.

  1. EgoExoLearn: A Dataset for Bridging Asynchronous Ego- and Exo-centric View of Procedural Activities in Real World | [Project&Code] | [BibTex]
    Y. Huang, G. Chen, J. Xu, … , Y. Qiao
    CVPR 2024

  2. Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video | [Project] | [BibTex]
    K. Grauman, A. Westbury, …, Y. Huang, …, J. Malik.
    CVPR 2022 (Best paper finalist.)

  3. Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives | [Project] | [BibTex]
    K. Grauman, A. Westbury, …, Y. Huang, …, J. Malik.
    CVPR 2024 (oral presentation)

🔥 News

  • 3 Papers accepted by ECCV 2024, in which ActionVOS got accepted as oral!
  • 3 Papers accepted by CVPR 2024.
  • Served as an Area Chair for ICCV 2023 and CVPR 2024.
  • Received Special Grant for Foreign Researchers (¥11,000,000) from JSPS.
  • Received Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (¥4,550,000) from JSPS.